Field school series "Crab Cultivation in the Mangrove Forest of Katurei Village: Maintaining the Population and Preserving the Environment"
Field School Series: Campaigning on Food Crisis and Environmental Issues on Women's Day to Raise Public Awareness
YLKMP Field Visit: Identifying the Potential and Challenges of MSME (UMKM) Groups in Salut Village to Enter the Digital Market
Field School Series; Innovation in Fermented Animal Feed Production as Supplementary Nutrition for Pigs
Field School Series: YSI Sabu Facilitates the Development of Livestock Control Regulations in Keliha Village
Field School Series: Efforts to Implement Low External Input Sustainable Agriculture through the Use of Organic Fertilisers
BRC-PD Programme Kick Off; Efforts to Enhance the Quality of Local CSOs to Become Strategic Programme Development Partners in YSI Assisted Areas
SHEEP Indonesia Foundation and Fatuteta Village Government Review RPJMDes for Gender Responsive in Sustainable Self-Reliance Local Food System Project
Field Shool Series: OMB Tnao Tit Develops Egg Hatching Machine Prototype to Improve Chicken Productivity
Discussion on Building Post-Disaster Community Resilience in Central Sulawesi with Civil Society Organisation (CSO) partners