Tuesday (15/02/22) at the Sabu Raijua Regent's Office Hall, SHEEP Indonesia together with the PIKUL Foundation presented and discussed the results of the Sabu Raijua Sustainable Local Food System Independence Policy Study. In this activity, the food conditions in Sabu Raijua Regency were described. In addition, a description of the knowledge of the community in recognizing, cultivating or maintaining local food and the factual condition of the staple food consumed by residents, as well as seeing whether or not there are local government policies to support the independence of the local food system in their area. The results of the discussion are compiled from November 2021 to February 2022
The process of the results of the study through analysis and study related to existing policies and practices in the district of sabu Raijua regarding food independence, with the object of study analysis; regional policies including regional regulations, Regent's Regulations, or Circulars, and also look at planning documents including the Regional Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMD) and its Strategic Plan, as well as the implementation of programs and activities carried out by existing agencies.
The activity was attended by the ranks of the sabu Raijua district government (Regent, Assistant 2 for the Economy, Bappeda, Agriculture Service and other related OPD), 8 village heads assisted by the YSI program in Keliha Village, Jiwuwu, Matei, Eimadake, Dainao, Mehona, Ledetalo, and Kotahawu, marine area manager from BKKPN Kupang in the Savu Sea National Park area, as well as civil society organizations partnering with YSI (Ecologica, GPS, Community Relations, Indonesia Mengajar, and the Archipelago Nature Conservation Foundation.
In this activity, several decisions were made, including; verification of the results of the study to the government and partners to improve the results as well as the existence of a joint action plan with all stakeholders on the issue of food system independence in sabu Raijua. The results of the discussion resulted in several points, all parties were committed to supporting the existence of local food system self-reliance policies and programs in sabu Raijua, encouraging cross-stakeholder communication forums, seeking for absorption of agricultural products through government policies, developing sorghum and other commodities, certifying products. regional food superiority, training in processing and developing market networks and paying attention to gender issues at the level of access, participation, benefits, control and response to integrated gender-based violence. There are interesting things from this activity, the Regent of Sabu Raijua gave his response:
"We hope that on this occasion, the SHEEP Indonesia Foundation program and the community can be carried out together with the sabu Raijua government and can directly touch the interests of the community. and all of us together prepare ourselves to be self-sufficient in food (having food security), so there is no need to supply food from outside”.