A joint movement to encourage the improvement of community health status in North Lombok district on Wednesday (26/10/22) was initiated by the cadres of Edelweis Family Posyandu, Tumpangsari Hamlet, Senaru Village, Bayan District, North Lombok Regency. One of the activities was experience sharing and discussion on knowledge and experience of family posyandu management. The discussion, which was packed with peer learning and learning by doing methods, focused on observing and identifying the good things from each posyandu so that they could be adapted and applied by others.
The activity was attended by 31 people consisting of Posyandu cadres and village staff from Salut Kayangan, Santong Mulia, Sesait, Pendua, Pansor, and Santong villages; also present were representatives of cadres and village government, as well as representatives of Kayangan and Santong Puskesmas staff. As an explanation, the edelweis family posyandu and the salut village family posyandu are the winners (1st and 3rd place) of the district-level family posyandu competition. By sharing this experience, posyandu cadres from other areas can learn from each other to further complement the implementation of family posyandu.
Interesting things emerged when the Edelweis health centre shared its experience of family posyandu integrated with Dapur Posyandu, Kebun Gizi, and Bank Sampah, which has also been started by posyandu cadres in Salut. This knowledge and understanding can be used as good practice in the management of family posyandu in other villages or hamlets. This was emphasised by one of the edelweis cadres where the concept makes the community not only monitor their health but also have balanced nutrition and waste management with good environmental hygiene, so as not to cause other diseases. On the other hand, the village health centre (puskesmas) of Salut and Sesait shared their experiences, while they themselves were helped by having clearly documented data on the health status of the community. How many people are served by health status can be the basis for useful referrals to the health centre or hospital. In addition, the administration and condition of the people who come to the posyandu can be used for analysis and as a basis for determining what work programmes and treatments should be prioritised in managing the posyandu and strengthening health in each village. The health status data obtained is not just a sample but an in-depth assessment so that the health status of the community can be explored in depth and factual results obtained.
At the end of the activity there was an agreement to implement best practices for the development of family posyandu in each area that can be monitored and seen the benefits and then share the experience again. The achievements and results of these good practices will later be publicised and become recommendations to the district government to be replicated and applied by other posyandu in North Lombok District.