The Kayangan and Santong Mulia UMK forums held training and education related to Finance, Marketing Strategy, and Institutional Strengthening. This activity is a follow-up and an effort to strengthen knowledge in business development after the earthquake disaster.
The training was held in the Kayangan District hall for 2 days on Wednesday-Thursday 16-17 March 2022 followed by a total of 41 representatives of UMKM in Kayangan and Santong Mulia villages. In this activity, YSI became a resource person as well as a companion for the UMK and BUMDes Forums that encouraged the strengthening of their capacity and readiness in building post-disaster businesses so that they could recover and have an increase in family income.
In the Institutional Strengthening session, the Field Coordinator of the SHEEP Indonesia Foundation for the Lombok region, namely Sulistyo, and financial education and calculation of COGS (cost of goods sold) were delivered by YSI's financial staff, Nurmayana; followed by the second day about the Making of Sugar Ants delivered by the founder of Kekait Palm Sugar, namely Haerul Warid. This training is interesting because it not only learns to make palm sugar but also becomes a learning practice for business groups and sharing of business actors in the North Lombok area. In addition, the roles and functions of business group members are described and an understanding so that the management of MSEs involves all the potential of the members and administrators so that there is a sense of ownership and there is a clear division of responsibilities for the sustainability of the group.